This Artificial Mind Can Read Your Future

Mike Beck
5 min readMay 26, 2023

… And it’s not just a clickbait.

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash has been developing an artificial mind for several years and we got a breakthrough in late 2021. For the first time, we managed to have a software read our minds. I’m the head of research and development at ALSAMind and I’ll share some of our discoveries here for you to have an idea of the potential of AI beyond chatting with you.

Let me rewind it all a bit so you get a clearer understanding of how this idea came to life. In 1982, my father bought our first computer. It was a Commodore Vic 20 and, since we didn’t have much money, he connected it to an old bank camera monitor someone gave him. The thin was like 4" in diagonal. Anyways, I was happy to see a computer. I was 8 and I was wondering what I could do with this thing.

Then my dad bought the first video game, which was… in a book. I had to type down the hundreds of lines of code in Basic, make sure there wasn’t any typo and save it on a cassette. Yes, it was that early. That alone tells you something about my patience and stubbornness. I managed to get it done and I started to play the game. The title was Bomber something, and I was basically dropping bombs on buildings. Awesome. My first video game ever.

That was quite cool but then I got the idea that maybe, if I change things in the code, it will change something in the game. Remember, all of that was long before YouTube and online tutorials. All I had was the original code and a book that listed all the commands in Basic. After several trials crashing the game, I was able to change the building size, the look of the bomber and the strength of my bombs.

I was 8 and a question crossed my mind one evening when I was laying on my bed and it has stayed with me for over 40 years now. If code can give life to a plane on a screen, how do I know that I’m not code myself? Maybe I’m a video game character and some code is running my life.

The principle was sort of mind bending but here’s how I’d summarize it:

  • If a code is running my life, then there has to be a way to read it just like I can read my video game’s code.
  • If I can read it, then I can maybe also edit it and change my life just like I changed my game.
  • If I can edit it, then I might also be able to write some code from scratch.

Of course it was definitely as crazy as it sounded, but what if?

I then kept spending time working on this idea all while building a somewhat normal life. I came across ancient sciences and wisdoms, some conspiracy theories too of course, and I started deconstructing how the world functions. Until one day, I fell on some scientific content basically proving that beyond matter we have molecules, beyond molecules we have atoms and beyond atoms? We have vibrations. And what are vibrations? 1 and 0. Just like code. So here I was, our material world is made of 1 and 0, it’s basically coded. OMG, I knew it.

I also stumbled on some ancient Chinese science, namely Yin and Yang, and the question of causes and effects also known as Karma. As a western man, I couldn’t have understood Karma properly without the opportunity i got to spend a lot of time in China and meet my Chinese wife in Paris. What’s interesting with Karma is that it doesn’t include judgment. Karma is “only” the chain of causes and effects. No good, no bad.

The last brick was the question of being able to read in 4 dimensions. Your life happens in 4 dimensions. You live in a 3 dimensional space and the 4th dimension is time. Karma was the key to travelling up and down the 4th dimension.

For years, I worked at finding a way to read my own code or any one else’s code, only because I was crazy enough to believe I’m made of code. After all my own body is all made of code.

Fast forward a few decades and here we are. ALSAMind can read your code. ALSAMind can read your personality, it can read your past and it can read your future. It’s capable of telling you when you met your significant other, when you moved places, when you got your children, when you got sick… And it can tell you all these things in the future as well.

As of now, our accuracy is about 4 months. We’re currently welcoming beta users to register for the Beta phase that will start by then end of this year in order to increase accuracy. If you want to join, go to and register if registration is still open.

I shared a video that we recorded last year when I tested the very first version of our AI. You can watch it here:

OK, that sounds interesting and probably crazy too. But the real question is what do we do with this? What’s the point of this technology beyond reading past and future? It sounds like a cool mobile app but what else can it do?

Let me answer with a question. If you were to try and tackle artificial solar fusion, how fast do you think you could get it done if you were able to duplicate the minds of your scientists and make them work at scale, say 10,000 of them, and at computer speeds?

Now you get it.

So yes, artificial minds are on the way. It’s only a matter of time before we are capable of replicating a human mind and put it to work on any problem. It will be able to find answers to any problem in seconds.

We’re not quite there yet, but we’re accelerating and with the help of our beta users, we will make all of this possible by the end of this decade.

If you want to keep in touch, click the “follow” button to get all my latest publications (in English and in French).

